Sunday 7 November 2010

Einstein's brain anatomy

What I love about wiki are these dedicated pages to a very specific thing like say : Albert Einstein's brain. We all have our anecdotes of knowledge and my sentences usually start off with
'ooo einstein's brain, some pathologist nicked it and chopped it up into 24o neat cutlets of 1cm3 volume and plonked them in 2 food jars for like 2 decades'.

There are many ethical questions about such a practice of stealing a part of the deceased body without the permission from relatives for the benefit of humanity's collective knowledge, discourse about which one can find on the net.

The part of his brain engaged with mathematical, spatial and movement thoughts was 15% larger in volume than the average person. But his linguistic/verbal brain area was undersized compared to the average.
I often imagine whether the architects have enlarged plumped up brain matter in the faculties relevant to spatial imaginings?
MRI please Research people... need to seek it out.

Isn't it fascinating that the physcial structure of the brain and its density is proportionate to what and how intensively we think about things..... (thrilling).

I know they did some MRI tests for 'Actors' brains, Fiona Shaw undertook a scan, here's the article/video, I'm not too sure what was concluded other than actors have immersive imaginations where the mind can set up comprehensive scenes within their mental vision to the point of utmost immersion comparable to a vivid reality of it own.

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