Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Time for reflection

Every so often, I believe its important to try and back- track on concepts, notions, quotes, principles that one has learnt in the course of the year. I think the acquaintance with the order of St Francis Asissi was the pinnacle for 2010.

A Cruck frame drawing

Drawn with leaky cheap red biro with fine nib, cheapo biros have their qualities which are lacking in the all-dominant Bic variety.

Architecture of infinity

This drawing I did managed to use a whole biro for one drawing, it extends across by about 2 and half metres. This only represents one segment of the drawing.

Belleville Rendezvous la la la la..

Apologies for exuberant expressions on notes ( bad habit).

During summer 2010, discovered 'Belleville Rendezvous' 2003, a quirky, funny, visually stunning animation by talented French animator: Sylvain Chomet. These are the notes made after watching it, tried to dissect the narrative strands and list the quirks.

Monday, 20 December 2010

The Genius of Glenn Gould

In order not to bore anyone to death, key facts about Glenn Gould (September 25, 1932 – October 4, 1982), Pianist. Mainly plays Bach.

1. He would hum whilst playing the piano, even in concerts; it was a bad habit.
2. His dilapidated chair was a compulsory requirement for his playing in both private and public performance. The seat level is well below the usual par in height terms.
3. He would not shake hands with anyone for fear of ruining his hands.
4. He was single all or most of his life.
5. He used to eat eggs at approx 2-3am in the morning at the diner everyday!
6. He was a reclusive.

His strangeness makes him even more mythic somehow.